Diary Weekly Updates #19

Noah Coin
Published in
5 min readMar 25, 2020


Exploring Noah community thoughts and Coronavirus

The past week was marked with the Coronavirus pandemic. Fortunately, we’re working remotely and the development of the Noah Project continued. We spoke about a new citizenship type — Patriot, transition to a new core for the BTCNEXT Exchange and our bots for chatting. Of course, COVID-19 is a hot topic now and we dedicated a lot of attention to it. Read about all our updates below!

COVID-19 and Noah community reviews

The Coronavirus affected the whole planet! Financial markets faced a great drop too. We could not stay aside in this situation and actively shared our thoughts about future prospects. Noah community preferred not to stay quiet and continued to send reviews — we were sharing them too. Here’s how it was.

I am worried about the victims of coronavirus and I want to help in the fight against this disease. I recently found an original way.

There is a site — https://foldingathome.org/, which aims to understand Protein folding. They use a special program for this purpose. If we understand Protein folding, we can cure a ton of diseases, including Coronavirus.

The process is similar to Mining but with a great and useful goal. If you have any free computing power, you can run the program and speed up the process of finding a cure.

I would like to motivate you and at the same time to thank you. Therefore, NOAH Platinum plans to encourage the most active folding@home supporters.

We will provide bonuses for the most diligent contributors to the search for the COVID-19 cure!

The World Health Organization has announced a coronavirus pandemic. I am very concerned about this statement. Hope you feel good.

Please do not panic, here are some data about COVID-19☣:

  • 126,000 total confirmed
  • 68,000 recovered
  • 4600 died
  • 3.7% mortality rate

Take care of yourself.

I would like to remind you about our QDAO inheritance option. You can bequeath your Noah citizenship or funds on the BTCNEXT exchange to your loved ones.

Therefore, do not be afraid for your digital assets, they will be in the right hands.

I think that a 50% inheritance tax in Japan is horrible! QDAO inheritance helps to leave your relatives all honestly acquired assets.

Be healthy!

Absolutely all markets are undergoing a deep correction now. Do you think this is a cause for panic? No! This is a chance to buy at the best price.

Correction made the purchase of Noah Citizenship even more affordable! Don’t miss this opportunity, because not a single stock will bring as much profit and prospects as a residence in the Noah City.

Do you see what is happening now? The financial crisis is already on the verge of breaking the door. Why did it happen?

I believe that the power system, in the form that we are observing now, is outdated and obsolete. It is not able to comply with the challenges of the 21st century.

People lose their fortunes, companies go bankrupt and all because of wrong decisions and the wrong financial system.

Blockchain technology gives us the opportunity to build an honest community with a transparent economy and equality. We have created and are developing the Noah City precisely for this purpose!

The Noah City is not afraid of crises, coronaviruses, corruption and other scourges of mankind. A decentralized state is an opportunity to restart the understanding of the word “country” and build it on high moral principles.

Noah Citizenship is the most reasonable investment in a confident future amid falling prices, stocks and markets.

Panic continues in the world. Many countries restrict airspace. The percentage of recovered people is reduced relative to the number of infected.

There is good news, China managed to break the focus of the virus. 65,000 of 80,000 have recovered. Mortality is less than 3%. This is an occasion for optimism! I kindly ask you — take care of your health!

I want to share with you a very interesting review from the Noah community member. I hope you will find something valuable for yourself:



















The coronavirus pandemic has a huge impact on the global economy. This is a crushing blow for many countries, especially for those that live off tourism.

It’s no secret that the global economy is on the verge of a recession. Coronavirus successfully brings it closer. Countries close borders, restrict air traffic and introduce quarantine. Mass events are prohibited, schools, universities and some enterprises are closed. But this is only the beginning.

I understand the motives of the governments, however, now the main goal is to reduce the spread of the coronavirus and wait until the summer with minimal losses in the population.

Typically, high ambient temperatures become unbearable for viruses. Let’s hope this time everything will be the same. Stay healthy!

Here’s another review for you to keep a positive mood:





China is no longer the centre of the coronavirus pandemic: 69,000 recovered, 3,200 died of 81,000 infected. The number of victims remains virtually unchanged, while the number of recovered people increases by 1,000 per day. It looks like China has managed to find effective ways to fight the virus.

Now the centre of the pandemic is in Europe. The largest number of infected people is in Italy. The actions of local authorities are not as effective as their Chinese counterparts. In Italy, mortality reaches 8%.

Speaking of Japan, the situation is not so frightening. At the moment, 833 infected people have been recorded, 139 have already recovered and 27 have died. The mortality rate remains at 3.4%.

The most reasonable way to deal with coronavirus now is self-isolation. Try not to go outside without special needs, this is especially true for the risk group — people over 60 years old. I hope that soon the virus will decline and we will return to the normal rhythm of life.

Catch another interesting review from the Noah Citizen:


Thank you, as always, for reaching this point! It’s very important for us to share with you all of the updates. Please come back in a week, we will prepare something interesting! Don’t forget to clap to this article — it is an indicator of your interest.

You can always get all our updates firsthand, follow these links:

Noah` BTCNEXT Exchange

New Noah Blockchain ecosystem

