We promised ICO holders dividends — we are giving them! Finally, the Noah Dividends program is ready to be launched. ICO holders will start receiving free NOAHP coins on 1st September but it will be a tiered process.
Why did we decide to launch Noah Dividends?
We saw how unfair were actions of Noah Foundation in relation to the community and we saw true believers who held their NOAH tokens ’til the end. So, we decided to help! We also cannot ignore the opinions or contributions of IСO holders to the development of the Noah Project and want to thank them. Therefore, we decided to launch the Noah Dividends program. All the dividends will be paid from Platinum’s personal pool to show our deepest respect and support to the community! The amount of dividends this year will be 20%.
However, we cannot pay all the dividends in one go as this would negatively affect the stability of the ecosystem. We, therefore, decided that it would be fair to distribute payments over 12 months, once per month.
Our desire is not just to correct the mistakes of the previous leaders by paying dividends, we also want an opportunity to strengthen the blockchain through Delegation and Noah Citizenships. Previously, community members could not invest anything, but now they will have enough NOAH coins to take advantage of these opportunities!
We had too little information from the Noah Foundation regarding ICO participants so we decided to do it fairly. Since we cannot deprive our respected community, it was decided to pay dividends to all the ICO holders that submitted applications and who are Standard Citizens or higher.
Noah Dividends are only available to those holders who filled the form and wrote to Alex.
Schedule of Noah Dividends
- Non-citizens and Green Card owners will only receive dividends for 2020 (throughout the year), from September 2020 to August 2021.
- Standard Citizens and above will receive dividends for 2020, 2019 and 2018 but only if they didn’t receive them yet.
- The payments will be made at a rate of 20% per year in 12 instalments, once a month.
- The dividends payments for 2020 will start in September 2020 and run till September 2021.
- Dividends for 2019 will be paid from September 2021 to September 2022.
- Dividends for 2018 will be paid from September 2022 to September 2023.
- There is no need to apply for dividends once again for future years if you already did it for 2020.
The priority of dividend accrual: Noah Citizens (Standard and higher) and Noah Instructors are in the first tier and will get dividends in the first round; Green Card owners and non-citizens are in the second tier and will get them in the second round.
If you haven’t purchased Noah Citizenship yet — you still have time to get in line for participation in 2018–19 dividends!
Rules for Noah Dividend usage
- Dividends will be accrued as unstaked NOAHP coins.
- Dividends can be transferred to the exchange or withdrawn. However, if dividends are withdrawn from the Noah Custody Wallet, you will be eliminated from the program and no more payments will be accrued.
- If a holder has pulled out of the program, they must apply once again to restore their participation by submitting an application after they buy/upgrade citizenship level.
- If you have been eliminated from the dividends program and want to re-join it, you need to buy back and hold the missing amount within 20 days.
- You can receive bigger dividends if you would buy NOAH coins on the exchange and hold them in your wallet. But if you sell them — you will also be eliminated from the program.
- Dividends can be spent on: paying for a Green Card or 50% of any other citizenship; or for Delegation. In these cases, you will remain in the Dividends program with the rest of your funds and get Citizenship income on the top as your bonus that can be withdrawn.
- Income accrued with the help of dividends (citizenship or Delegation profits) can be spent at your discretion.
- Dividends cannot be withdrawn directly. But, for example, you can buy citizenship and you can withdraw the income it brings.
Noah Dividends calculation example
- Let’s imagine you have 1000 NOAHP. Which is your total balance for the whole dividends year.
- 20% of 1000 NOAHP is 200 NOAHP — you will get these 200 NOAHP over 12 months.
- This is 16.6 NOAHP (or 1.66%) per month.
- Once you get the first payment, your total balance will change to 1016.6 NOAHP.
- Next month you will get 1.66% FROM 1000 NOAHP but NOT FROM 1016.6 NOAHP. (Dividends do not add up to the total balance)
- So you will be getting 16.6 NOAHP every month. This process is similar to the banking interest.
- Optionally, you can purchase EXTRA 1000 NOAHP and add them to your existing 1000 NOAHP, so it is equal to 2000 NOAHP. Now you will get 1.66% of 2000 NOAHP, which is 33,2 NOAHP monthly.
- You can add as many new NOAH coins as you want to boost your dividends!
We sincerely hope you like the Noah Dividends program and use your NOAHP wisely. We urge you not to withdraw dividends thoughtlessly but to use them for Noah Citizenship purchase or for Delegation. This will allow you to earn additional money as well as making the Noah Project more stable and successful!
Here are the answers to some questions you may still have:
I did not have time to fill out the application, can I still apply for Noah Dividends?
Yes, you can but you will not receive dividends for September. To apply for Noah Dividends, you must:
- Fill out the form: https://forms.gle/rtz34fToCehfxsZ66
- Necessarily write to Alex (otherwise you can’t get dividends): t.me/noah_dividends
- Or use t.me/NOAH_reporter_bot
What if I withdraw dividends?
You will be eliminated from the Noah Dividends program but you will have an opportunity to restore your participation:
- You must top-up your balance with the exact amount (or higher) in NOAHP that you have withdrawn/spent.
- You must purchase/upgrade Noah Citizenship.
If I partially withdraw dividends?
You will be eliminated from the Noah Dividends program but you will have an opportunity to restore your participation:
- You must top-up your balance with the exact amount (or higher) in NOAHP that you have withdrawn/spent.
- You must purchase/upgrade Noah Citizenship.
How can I use my dividends?
Noah Dividends can be used for Noah Citizenship purchase, Delegation, coin minting and all the other services within the Noah Ecosystem. All the income accrued through these ways can be withdrawn. You will not be eliminated from the program if you spend dividends these ways.
If I am not a citizen, will I receive dividends?
Yes, but you will receive dividends only for 2020 and in accordance with your tier. If you want to get dividends for 2019 and 2018, you must purchase Standard Noah Citizenship status or higher.
Can I pay part of my citizenship with dividends?
Yes, you can fully pay for a Green Card or 50% of any other Noah Citizenship using Noah Dividends, without leaving the program.
How much Noah Dividends do I get?
You will get 20% per year, the dividends will be paid to you once a month, for 12 months.
What is the priority for dividends payments?
Tier 1 — Noah Citizens (Standard and higher) and Noah Instructors will get dividends in the first round; Tier 2 — Green Card owners and non-citizens will get them in the second round.
I’m not a citizen yet, how do I receive Noah Dividends for 2018–19?
You need to purchase Standard Noah Citizenship Status or higher before the program starts, if you wish to get dividends for these years. You can purchase it by contacting Alex (http://t.me/noah_dividends)
Why is it important to use Noah Dividends for Delegation and Noah Citizenship purchases?
You will get a stable passive income and a lot of benefits. This will also help the Noah Project to be more stable and successful.
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